
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wheatgrass The King Of Alkaline Foods

Whether or not youve ever held the title of Fast Food Queen as I once did, youve likely ingested your fair share of highly processed and chemical laden foods. Lets face it, in this day and age, its increasingly more challenging to eat a diet rich in whole foods that arent filled with chemical preservatives, additives and pesticides. Just take a look at the Dirty Dozen list – even fresh fruits and veggies arent immune.

Unfortunately, most processed foods are acidic and when we consume too many of them, our bodys acidity-alkalinity balance is upset. Prolonged acidity is very taxing on our cells and organs, and ultimately leads to illness and disease. 

The King of Alkaline Foods

Wheat grass has a high alkalizing effect, which helps restore the balance between acidity and alkalinity in the body. When your body’s pH levels are balanced, youll begin to notice an increase in energy, stamina and less need for sleep.

Ann Wigmore, author of The Wheatgrass Book, writes:
“Each of us is the keeper of ten trillion little batteries called cells. Like flashlight batteries, our cells hold a charge of electricity. In order for this charge to be strong and steady we need to have a steady supply of proper nutrients. With the addition of wheatgrass and raw foods to your diet, your cells will store a maximum electrical charge, and you will have plenty of energy.”
Rich In Chlorophyll

Wheatgrass contains an abundance of chlorophyll. The structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of hemoglobin – the protein molecule in red blood cells – which makes it possible for our body to transform chlorophyll into hemoglobin. How cool is that? Drink your wheatgrass and increase your red blood cell count!

Scientists have found chlorophyll strengthens liver functions, neutralizes toxic compounds, as well as eliminates toxins in the blood. Take that, nasty chemical additives and preservatives!

Rejuvenate Your Body

Studies and tests of wheatgrass have concluded that it:
  • Stimulates the repair of damaged DNA
  • Neutralizes infections
  • Assists in wound healing
  • Promotes healthy bowel function
  • Inhibits the activity of carcinogens
  • Reduces or eliminates offensive body & breath odors
  • Has a more potent anti-inflamatory effect than aspirin
Okay, so I think we can all agree that there are oodles of reasons to consume wheatgrass. But heres the thing: try as I might, I cannot seem to get past the taste. I quiver, and shiver, and gag. You get the picture.

Ive tried combining it with coconut water as well as adding it to various juices and smoothies to make it more palatable. Ann Wigmore strongly advises against this. Great. So whats a girl to do?

Well, a couple of months ago, I was introduced to the Best Organic Wheatgrass. The company name says it all. Really.

Ive been drinking their wheatgrass daily for the last month, and no gag reflex. In fact, I rather like the taste! It reminds me of green tea.

So, heres the scoop. Their Easy Pha-max wheatgrass is 100% organic and uses no artificial chemicals, preservatives or other ingredients. It is the only wheatgrass powder in the world grown Aeroponically in 100% oxygen – soil free, fungus free and pollution free.
Wheatgrass is lifted out of its tray with the roots. 
One pound or 1/4 tray of wheatgrass = 1 sachet of powder

Why Is The Root So Important?

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the leaves of wheatgrass have a cooling effect, whereas the roots produce a heating effect. Combining both characteristics neutralizes the effect produced by each individually.

The active ingredients found in the root of wheatgrass, especially cancer fighting agents and 13 amino acids not found in the blades, stimulate damaged cells to undergo cellular repair.

Bonus: by combining the roots with the blades, the taste is not as strong and nauseous as juiced wheatgrass. Score!

After harvesting, the aeroponically-grown wheatgrass is cold dried to maintain its live enzymes and nutrients when combined with water. One Easy Pha-max wheatgrass sachet has the equivalent nutrients of 17 pounds of vegetables. Four packets are equivalent to one tray of wheatgrass. Yowza!

What About Folks Who Have A Wheat Allergy?

Wheat allergies are usually a reaction to the gluten found in the wheat berry.  Wheatgrass is a vegetable, cut before the wheat plant forms the grain (berry). Easy Pha-max wheatgrass has no gluten.

So, Whos Feeling Lucky?

The lovely folks at Best Organic Wheatgrass have offered to gift one reader of In The Raw a box of organic 100% Wheatgrass Powder, containing 66 individual sachets.

But wait, theres more! Because theyre so generous, theyre also going to include a box of Wheatgrass With Honey. Traditional Chinese medicine uses honey to prolong life and treat diseases. Honey reduces body heat, nourishes spleen and stomach, moisturizes intestine and lungs, improves urination, detoxifies, and reduces pain.

Mandatory Entry: Have a look around Best Organic Wheatgrass and tell me one thing you learned from visiting their site. Leave me a comment below this post.
You have until Midnight EDT, June 27th to get your entries in. Ill then call on Mr. Random Number Generator to pick a winner.

Meet you back here on Monday, when Ill announce the lucky winner. Ill also have a special treat for everyone else.

Good luck!

UPDATED 6-28-10: This Giveaway Is Now Closed
Congratulations to Mbwilkes, youre the lucky winner of 2 boxes of the Best Organic Wheatgrass!

But wait...everyones a winner today!

The kind folks at Best Organic Wheatgrass have generously offered EVERYONE WHO ENTERED a free 7 day trial sample of their product by going to their website and filling out the form. Just be sure to specify in the Comments that you had entered the giveaway on
In The Raw.

Now everyone can try the King of Alkaline Foods! The wheatgrass is best assimilated by drinking the first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Simply mix one packet in an 8 - 10 ounce glass of water. Cheers!
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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Diabetes Side Effects in Men and Women on Brain Eyes and Skin

Diabetes Side Effects in Men & Women

Diabetes is well known for its side effects. In this disease the patient not only need to take care of his/her diet but also take care of side-effects caused by diabetes. One major well known side effect is on fresh wounds, as it take a long time for clotting to happen. So major injuries can result in high blood loss. Here will tell you some other side effects of diabetes and precautions that you can use to get over them.

Diabetes Side Effects

  • In a diabetic person the sugar level might get low as well, so he/she should always keep some sugar product handy to eat (especially when they are out of your home).
  • It takes longer to heal an injury. In diabetic person both clotting and healing process are slowed down. It might be 2 to 10 times slower than normal person. The speed of healing process also depends on your sugar level. It better to keep a first aid kit and dressing material handy. Avoid injuries but still if something happens wrong then dont wait for blood to stop, instead use the dressing material to stop the blood flow.
  • Another side effect of diabetes is on eyesight . If at any point of time you feel blurred vision or continuous pain in your head then consult your doctor as it might be symptom of eyesight problem.
  • People who dont take care of their diet and medicines instead of being diabetic, might face a kidney failure in their life. This is the worst thing that a diabetic person might face. 

Dont get feared by all these side effects, as if you take a balanced diet suggested by your doctor and proper medication, then you can easily get over these side effects. The side effects discussed above are common in men and women. In next update we will discuss more about separate side effects of diabetes in men and women.

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Slow Cooker Beef Bourguignon Recipe

This is an easy copy-cat (or sort of copy-cat) of Julia Childs famous Beef Bourguignon. I cut the butter completely, and simplified the spices, but the flavor is all there.

And, I have STILL not seen the Julie and Julia movie. I was all set to go with a group of friends, but then got another wave of all-day-I dont-know-why-they-call-it-morning-sickness and found myself glued to the couch on our planned night out. And then school started, and soccer started, and PTA started, and life got a bit complicated.

I will see it, though. I promise.

The Ingredients.
serves 6

3 pounds beef roast, or beef stew meat (I used a chuck roast I had in the freezer)
6 slices bacon--no need to cook (I used turkey)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, sliced in rings
1 cup carrots (chopped or baby, your choice)
4 garlic cloves, smashed and chopped
1 tablespoon herbs de provence (heres a recipe to make your own)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon tomato paste (not pictured, oops!)
2 cups red wine (you can use non-alcoholic if you wish)

The Directions.

Use a 6 quart slow cooker. In the bottom of your stoneware, smear around the olive oil. Then lay down 3 slices of bacon. Add sliced onion and garlic. Put the meat into the pot on top of the onion and garlic, and sprinkle on dried spices and herbs. Toss the meat to distribute the spices to all sides. Add tomato paste. Lay the other 3 slices of bacon on top of the meat, and throw in the carrots. Pour wine over the whole thing.

Cover and let cook on low for 8-9 hours, high for 4-5, or until meat has reached desired tenderness. If you are using a roast, you may want to flip the meat about an hour before serving so more liquid is absorbed into the meat. You can also cut the meat into chunks and return to the pot, if you would like more moisture to absorb.

Serve with whipped mashed potatoes, and a ladle full of crock juices.


The Verdict.

We all really liked this a lot. The kids werent crazy about the carrots, because they took on the wine flavor and were a bit tart, but Adam and I loved them like that. The meat had lots of flavor, and I was quite pleased with the amount of juice left in the slow cooker---it made an excellent gravy. I didnt try to thicken it up on the stove top with cornstarch or flour, but if you enjoy making gravy, Id imagine it would be wonderful.

This is a company-worthy meal.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Have You Had Your Plant Blood Today

Fresh Veggie Juice
So have you recovered from the gluttonous feast known as Thanksgiving Dinner? Is it just my Hungarian clan or can your family turn a holiday (emphasis on day) into a weekend eat-a-thon too? Lordy! And to think I used to partake in the spree. Yikes, my insides hurt just thinking about all the calories and cholesterol.

While I no longer gorge myself on the traditional T-Day fare, I do partake in foods much richer than Im accustomed to eating — walnuts, pecans, almonds, dates, raw honey. I typically eat very simple meals of fresh fruits, veggies or sea vegetables, and my first meal of the day is always freshly extracted juice.

I noticed a difference in how I felt as soon as I opened my eyes on Friday morning. Heavy. Sluggish. A little bit fuzzy in my thinking. I didnt like it. Crazy to think that I used to feel that way all.the.time. Ick!

When I learned that Sunday was International Juice Feasting Day, I was all, "Count me in!" As I said, my first meal of the day is always a quart of juice, but sometimes I like to give my body a break and juice all my meals. After all, digestion is hard work. A periodic juice fast, or extended feast, is a wonderful practice to adopt.

People from 16 different countries joined Dave the Raw Food Trucker on Sunday for the first International Juice Feasting Day. If you dont know Dave, do yourself a favor and watch some of his YouTube videos. Heres a recent one I particularly love. Daves been juice feasting for 120 days and has dropped over 200 pounds. He has experienced an astounding transformation physically, emotionally and spiritually.

But one neednt juice feast for 120 days to benefit. My friend Kristen Suzanne calls fresh vegetable juice "plant blood" and I think its fitting for something thats loaded with organic water, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

A juicer will separate the juice from the fiber, leaving you with only pure organic hydration. Thats water derived from plant sources, folks, and its essential for encouraging and nourishing healthy cells.

By removing the fiber, our digestive systems get a break and that nutrient-rich plant blood can pass directly into our bloodstream and start going to work on a cellular level. Its a terrific way to supercharge your immune system and purge loads of toxins from your body.

On International Juice Feasting Day, I enjoyed a quart of Beetific Elixir and a couple quarts of this Green Lemonade:
Green Juice
1 bunch Romaine
2 stalks celery
1 cucumber
1 handful dulse
2 Gala apples
1 lemon
1 inch fresh ginger root

Would you ever consider doing an extended juice feast like Dave?

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

You Can Quote Me Planning Is Key

I started smoking when I was 12 years old. Smoking and Dexatrim™ became my diet of choice for many years. A dozen years ago, I had a desire to change my relationship to tobacco. I was a Sacred Pipe carrier and smoked a pack and a half of cigarettes a day. It seemed conflicted to me that I would use tobacco in prayer and ceremony, and then mindlessly abuse it throughout the day. I set a goal: July 4, 1997 would be my Day of Independence, freedom from smoking. Then, I came up with a plan to work toward my goal.

Success! Eleven years and counting, smoke free!

Of course, I put on 100 pounds in the meantime. Transferring one addiction for another is not freedom.

With the extra pounds, came a host of chronic physical symptoms – heartburn, headaches, edema, aches, pains, fatigue, depression, shortness of breath – and quite frankly, I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, all the time.

On the last summer solstice, I set an intention to change my relationship to food and regain my health and vitality. The goal, for me, wasnt so much about the number on the scale. I wanted to find freedom from mindless, compulsive eating. I wanted to begin living a healthier lifestyle that was more in alignment with my core beliefs. And I knew that having a PLAN was the key.

And so began my transition from highly refined and processed foods to a diet of primarily fresh, organic, plant-based foods.

First things first: planning my meals. This actually involves forethought and grocery shopping. Imagine that. And, it means ensuring that I have plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seeds and nuts on hand. I also like to stock an assortment of fruit in the freezer, cut and ready to throw into the blender for delicious green smoothies.

Have mason jar, will travel

Ive learned from experience that when Im away from home and hunger strikes, its just too easy for me to make poor food choices. For years, my car was set to auto-pilot to the nearest drive-thru window. So now, if I know Im going to be out running around for more than several hours, Ill plan on taking a mason jar of green smoothie with me. Little bags of organic baby carrots,
crunchy sprouts, dried fruits, and nuts are great take-alongs too.

Heres what raw food chef and author Kristen Suzanne says about having things planned and ready to eat:
Living the Raw Vegan lifestyle is really easy, there is no doubt about that. Whether youre eating a simple apple for breakfast or making a pate-stuffed tomato for lunch, it can take very little time out of your day. The key when starting out is to be focused and organized, which also makes it easy to stay on your Raw diet. I have found that half the battle for most people trying to stick to a diet is simply having things planned and ready to eat. Once you have that figured out, there is no guess work, making it less likely for you to fall off your chosen path to optimal health. (Continue reading)
Fail to Plan. Plan to Fail. Simple. And, you can quote me on that.

What are some things you do to PLAN for success on your diet?

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Thursday, March 19, 2015


Every year women are fooled by fad diets advertised in the media: "before putting your swimsuit, lose 5 kg in 10 days." Women are not gullible but say "what if it worked?". The pressure of the thin ideal is so strong that it generates real suffering behind irrational impulses. Thus scams regimes bloom ??

It weighs on women such pressure that they suffer a lot. They are thus vulnerable to the regime of merchants and buy drugs irrational impulses, thinking "what if it worked?". Dr. David Elia analyzes the different mistakes to avoid to help women stay rational and find a safe and reliable solution.

Type diet express

Any significant change in eating habits makes you lose weight and lose muscle. If you eat pineapples all week for example, we will inevitably slim. The problem is that weight loss is mostly at the expense of muscle mass. Or muscle mass is very important and very difficult to find. This is the first common mistake. So do not choose a plan that burns muscle mass: the pounds lost is resumed at full speed and this by "Version fat" and not muscles. Another mistake to avoid, if we managed to lose excess weight, is the resumption of pounds to stop the scheme: at the end of the regime, it starts eating as before, we take his eating habits, precisely those that were originally of the initial weight. If the output of the system, there is no identification of dietary errors and an attempt to change the recovery of lost pounds is inevitable, regardless of the type of plan used, was it the smartest.

"A week to lose 10 pounds"

Obviously, plans announcing "a week to lose 10 pounds," combine the two errors. They lose muscle mass and as stationary regime there is no change in eating habits, lost fat is taken pronto. This is the case of all the techniques like "lose 10 pounds before the holidays," which are prevalent each year in the mainstream media.

Diuretics, appetite suppressants and thyroid extracts: public danger!

There are also medicated processes that are thyroid extracts, diuretics and appetite suppressants, also called appetite suppressants. These are not mistakes here but real public danger! Appetite suppressants: side effects too dangerous The appetite suppressants were all removed from the market one after another since the 2000s, as and when the highlight of their dangerous side effects (including hypertension pulmonary that regularly kills). However, in the low-calorie diet accompanied by a nutritionist, appetite suppressants could help. Indeed, one of the problems of this type of diet is that it takes several months before reaching the target and that during this period there was very hungry. In these specific, medically supervised conditions, appetite suppressants could thus provide valuable assistance. But the side effects and risks of accidents have condemned them for now. The thyroid extracts disturb the rhythm cardiac The thyroid extracts are only intended for women with thyroid deficiency. This hormonal disorder is the cause of many symptoms: weight gain, nervousness, hair loss, dry skin, etc. The fact to compensate for their lack of thyroid hormone allows them to regain a normal life. But if we give thyroid extracts to a person whose thyroid is functioning normally, it causes an overdose of thyroid hormones. Obviously, this excess makes you lose weight. But the problem is that we burn all the fat and muscle mass. In addition, excess thyroid hormone causes cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes fatal. The thyroid extracts must be strictly reserved for people with an underactive thyroid. The problem is that women with normal thyroid unfortunately still have access to these products ... Diuretics lose water, not the grease So Much women like to diuretics, especially late in the cycle. These drugs are forcing the kidneys to produce more urine and thus eliminate more water. The problem is twofold: 1) diuretics disrupt kidney function; 2) the balance displays many pounds lighter, but it is pounds of water, not fat! Weight loss is an illusion which then again, is transient. Upon discontinuation of the diuretic, kidney restores the situation and taken from the water. But in the end, the renal system can become misaligned completely, and now makes systematic use of diuretics to restore the body water regulation system. This is the "disease diuretics

Board: seasonal scams miracles preparations

Every year, at certain times, we see bloom offers all as farfetched as each other and moreover, are sometimes dangerous. We do not know the exact composition of these miracles preparations. Wish be it more often than placebo, and less often the negative effects of substances, as it happened a few years ago with the case "Chinese herbs" at the origin of major renal failure and death. The fact is that the ideal slimming exercises such pressure that women eventually crack and are then ready to try anything. In the example above, with the popular belief stating that herbal medicine does not hurt, these herbs were very tempting ... So no, there is no miracle plants that lose weight. We do not lose weight either by accelerating the intestinal transit, increasing water loss, taking drugs or consuming less salt! Lose involves losing fat too, retain muscle mass and not to lose of water. A from there, everything is mathematical and takes place in two stages. If one wants to lose 5 pounds of fat, you have to spend in a way or another 5 X 9000 = 45,000 calories stored. And as soon reached the goal, you must eat better. 
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Friday, March 13, 2015

Low Carb Turkey Casserole with Mushrooms Mozzarella and Cauliflower Rice Gluten Free

You can also use chicken to make this Low-Carb Turkey Casserole with Mushrooms, Mozzarella, and Cauliflower Rice.

Low-Carb Turkey Casserole with Mushrooms, Mozzarella, and Cauliflower Rice (Gluten-Free) found on

Right before I sat down to write out this recipe, I dug back in my fridge and pulled out the leftovers of this Low-Carb Turkey Casserole with Mushrooms, Mozzarella, and Cauliflower Rice, heated it in the microwave, and gobbled it down for lunch.   And oh boy, was it ever a delightful lunch.  I'm pretty proud of this recipe, and with good reason because I tried multiple times with Kara to come up with a tasty casserole that used cauliflower rice instead of rice, and the first three times, we ended up with a casserole that tasted okay but was really watery.  For this keeper version we skipped the turkey stock and used a thick sauce of sour cream, mayo, Dijon, Parmesan, Mozzarella, and spices, and it held the mixture together with just enough cheesy creaminess to make it good!

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Summer Means Grilled Vegetable Salads and Things Im Thinking About on Tuesday 6 17 2014

Whole Wheat Orzo and Grilled Vegetable Salad with Feta, Olives, and Herbs found on
Whole Wheat Orzo and Grilled Vegetable Salad with Feta, Olives, and Herbs

Even though the official first day of summer is a few days away, lately I've been thinking of those things I love to cook in the summer but never make any other time of year, and grilled vegetables that get turned into salad are at the top of that list.  I love grilled vegetable salads, and there are a couple on the blog that are my all time favorites, starting with the Whole Wheat Orzo and Grilled Vegetable Salad with Feta, Olives, and Herbs shown above.  I could eat this all summer long!  Two more grilled summer salads I'm equally crazy over are Grilled Sweet Potato Salad with Basil, Thyme, and Feta and Grilled Zucchini Greek Salad.  Did you notice the common ingredient in these three favorite grilled salads?  Yes, I do love Feta cheese and recently my favorite Feta cheese showed up again at Costco after I hadn't been able to find it for a couple of years.  It doesn't take much to make me happy; finding that Feta at Costco again totally made my day, and the summer has gotten off to a good start.

Now, here are a few more things I've been thinking about . . .

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Announcing a More Mobile Friendly Design and New Visual Recipe Index Categories for Kalyns Kitchen!

A new mobile-friendly design for Kalyn's Kitchen and now you can sort recipe thumbnails by diet type and category!

A Brand New Design for Kalyn's Kitchen!
If you're reading this post then the new-and-improved site design for Kalyn's Kitchen has launched! And about 40-45% of you usually access the site on your phone, so the new design has been carefully planned to make it easier to use Kalyn's Kitchen on mobile devices of all types, while hopefully still displaying well on tablets and desktop computers.

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Italian Sausage Soup with Green Pepper Chickpeas and Pesto Gluten Free

This easy Italian Sausage Soup with Chickpeas, Green Pepper, and Pesto cooks on top of the stove in less than an hour.

Italian Sausage Soup with Chickpeas, Green Pepper, and Pesto

This new phase one recipe for Italian Sausage Soup with Green Pepper, Chickpeas, and Pesto is something I came up with a few weeks ago when I found turkey Italian sausage on sale at the store and I wanted a hearty comforting soup that I could make and eat for dinner that same night.  I've made a few soup variations with similar flavors, but what made this soup especially enjoyable for me was an idea that popped into my head to mash some of the chickpeas so they kind of dissolved into the soup.  (I like chickpeas, but I don't always like biting into a whole chickpea in a bowl of soup or a salad.)  I shared some of this with Jake when he came to cook with me, and we both thought it was a keeper!

If  you saw the Phase One Recipes Round-Up from yesterday, you know I made the commitment to post Daily Phase One Recipes during January again this year.  I hope this is useful for anyone (like me!) who's getting back on track in the new year.  And since this is my third year of Daily Phase One Recipes for January, I'm going to share Phase One Flashbacks every day (after the recipe) to spotlight the Phase One Recipe I posted on that day in 2012 and 2013.  So healthy January, here we come!  (If you're not a South Beach Dieter, Phase One recipes are often Low-Carb or Paleo, and they're always delicious, even if you're not trying to lose weight.)

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Delicata Squash and Sausage Gratin Gluten Free

Delicata Squash and Sausage Gratin also has green bell pepper and cheese, and it's delicious.

Delicata Squash and Sausage Gratin (Gluten-Free) found on

I'm developing an obsession with Delicata Squash, so forgive me for a minute while I rave on about this delicious user-friendly variety of squash.  And if you're wondering how a squash can be user-friendly, it's because you can eat the skin of Delicata squash, unlike other winter squash varieties!  How cool is that?  I got so excited I almost typed it in all caps, which is a blogging no-no. Delicata Squash is also lower in carbs and higher in fiber than many types of winter squash.  Best of all, it's absolutely delicious, and I love using it for an easier option when I'm too rushed to peel and cut up a butternut squash.

I came up with this Delicata Squash and Sausage Gratin by default when my nephew Jake and I were trying a recipe idea with a sausage and green pepper mixture stuffed inside Delicata squash, and we ended up with far too much stuffing for the amount of squash we had.  So we went to Plan B and made a casserole with the roasted squash, sausage-pepper mixture, and cheese.  Jake isn't the biggest fan of winter squash but he agreed it was really, really good, and when my first photos weren't that great I made this again with my niece Kara who also loved it.  If you like winter squash in general, I bet you'll love this recipe as much as we did!

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Things Im thinking About on Tuesday 12 24 2013

Photo of Christmas Balls from All Things Christmas.

It's Christmas Eve, and I'm spending a few days celebrating Christmas with my sister's family including some very cute kids.  This may be a short edition of Things I'm Thinking About, but I do want to share a few Christmas things I spotted on the web, and of course I want to send out wishes for a happy holiday season to my wonderful readers.  My life is enriched so much by the nice messages I get almost daily from people who are enjoying the healthy food.  Happy Holidays everyone and thanks for your support of my blog!  And no matter how you're celebrating this magical the season, I hope you'll be able to spend time with those you love, hopefully enjoying some good holiday food.

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Chard and Garlic Scape Pesto and Things Im Thinking About on Tuesday 5 6 14

Spring has sprung, and I'm rushing the season and thinking about Garlic Scape and Chard Pesto.

It's feeling a lot like Spring at my house, and even though I already complained about it once, can I say one more time that I'm feeling pretty serious garden withdrawals?  At my old house I would probably have volunteer chard coming up in the garden by now, and one of my favorite things to make in the spring is Garlic Scape and Chard Pesto like you see in the photos above.  If you like garlic, but don't know what Garlic Scapes are, use that link to go and read about them.  Then hit up your local organic grocer or farmer's market and make some of this amazing pesto right away!

Don't get me wrong, I love my new house, and I feel more than blessed to have a house that's big enough that my enormous family can come here for a party.  But I'm also optimistically making plans for a bit more gardening on-the-fly this year (until I can build a real greenhouse, hopefully this fall.)  Tonight I told my neighbor across the street how I was just going to slip a few tomato plants in among the flowers in a sunny but sheltered spot by my garage.  "The deer will eat them," she said, without even thinking twice.  I guess we're going to find out whether deer like tomatoes, mint, and basil, because those are the three plants I've decided I have to at least try growing outside this year.

Now on to a few more things I'm thinking about . . .

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Easy Spicy Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Chicken Garlic Sausage Gluten Free

Easy and delicious Spicy Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Low-Fat and Gluten-Free Chicken Sausage!

Roasted Spicy Sweet Potatoes and Chicken Sausage

Do you like sweet potatoes?  My nephew and cooking assistant Jake has never really been a fan, but when we made this simple recipe for Roasted Spicy Sweet Potatoes and Chicken Sausage, he loved it just as much as I did.  This no-fuss recipe was inspired by my love of Sweet Potato Fries, plus a really delicious new low-fat chicken sausage from Costco (with no nitrates!)  Every cook needs some quick and easy dinner ideas for this time of year, and this is pure comfort food without much effort.

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Recipe for Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl

This Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl is just the right amount of spicy for me, but you can use less heat.

Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl found on

(For Phase One Fridays I feature Phase One Recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and this Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl that was inspired by my good friend Jeanne is something I've made over and over.  Cut up your own cabbage or use a coleslaw mix without carrots if you're making this for Phase one.)

I love it when I get a good cooking idea from one of my favorite people, and my friend Jeanne was the brains behind this Sriracha Beef Cabbage Bowl recipe, which I've already cooked and devoured several times.  Jeanne has already made an appearance on the blog, because one of my all-time favorite salad recipes was created in honor of her wedding.  Then last summer she came for lunch to check out the new house, and I made two of my favorite recipes for her.  Jeanne had the brilliant idea to pile the meat from Quick Sriracha Beef Lettuce Wraps on top of Spicy Mexican Slaw, and this recipe was born.  The creamy coolness of the cabbage slaw is the perfect partner to the spicy Sriracha beef in this recipe; hope you enjoy!

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Low Carb Cauliflower Rice Southwestern Stuffed Peppers with Turkey and Poblanos Gluten Free

Delicious Cauliflower Rice Low-Carb Stuffed Peppers with Southwestern Flavors!

Low-Carb Cauliflower Rice Southwestern Stuffed Peppers with Turkey and Poblanos found on

It's been more than four years since I first tried Cauliflower Rice, but I'm barely starting to explore the possibilities with this idea of substituting low-carb grated cauliflower for rice.  (So many recipes; so little time!)  I'm a huge cauliflower fan so I love the cauliflower rice on its own.  But I know some people don't love cauliflower like I do; however even for people who aren't big of fans of caulflower I think many of you might enjoy these Low-Carb Cauliflower Rice Southwestern Stuffed Peppers with Turkey and Poblanos, where there are a lot of other flavors to season the cauliflower.  Be sure not to skip the addition of finely chopped Poblano Chile Peppers (also called Pasilla peppers in many U.S. stores.)  The Poblanos are just barely spicy, but they add a wonderful flavor to the chopped cauliflower.  

I used red, yellow, and orange bell peppers for a colorful dish, but green bell peppers are abundant in gardens right now and they'd also be delicious in this.  I created this recipe with help from my niece Kara, and we both thought the cauliflower rice was delicious with the other flavors here.

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Recipe for Quick and Easy Pecan Crusted Dijon Salmon

This salmon with a Dijon and pecan crust would make a lovely Valentine's Day dinner.

(For Phase One Fridays I feature Phase One Recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and this Quick and Easy Pecan-Crusted Dijon Salmon is perfect for a nice dinner on Valentine's Day.)

I probably don't need to remind you about Valentine's Day, do I?  Those who are celebrating by going out to dinner have hopefully made reservations, but if you're looking for something a bit special to cook at home I would highly recommend this delicious Pecan-Crusted Dijon Salmon.  Not only is it absolutely delicious, but this recipe is so easy that you won't have to spend much time in the kitchen.  (If salmon isn't your thing, there are a lot more ideas for Valentine's Day dinner at home with the Valentine's Day Recipes, including some low sugar chocolate treats.)

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Cauliflower and Mushroom Pressure Cooker Soup with Parmesan Low Carb Gluten Free Meatless

Cauliflower and Mushroom Soup with Parmesan
This Cauliflower and Mushroom Soup with Parmesan was made in my new electric pressure cooker!

A few years ago I bought a Kuhn Rikon Pressure Cooker, and shared a few Pressure Cooker Recipes on the blog.  So when my sister Pam got a new Cuisinart Electric Pressure Cooker, and my friend Barbara started a blog about using the electric pressure cooker, I really didn't think I needed another pressure cooker.  Then I got a couple of Amazon gift cards, and the next thing you know, a new electric pressure cooker arrived at my house!  So far I've only used it to make chicken stock, and then this amazing soup, but I'm already pretty infatuated with the new electric pressure cooker.  If I had to pick one feature, it would be the way you can set the time and walk away, knowing the pressure cooker will stop cooking and release the pressure, even if you forget about it.   

Since there's no flour, butter, milk, or cream, this delicious Pressure Cooker Cauliflower and Mushroom Soup with Parmesan is perfect for our month of Daily Phase One Recipes, and it's also my Meatless Monday recipe for the week.  (You can see all the Phase One Recipes from the month by clicking Daily Phase One Recipes.  Check after the recipe for Phase One Flashbacks from this day in 2012 and 2013.)

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Low Sugar and Flourless Chocolate Coconut Drops with Almonds Gluten Free

These Low-Sugar and Flourless Chocolate Coconut Drops are also gluten-free!

Low-Sugar and Flourless Chocolate Coconut Drops with Almonds found on

In December many food blogs are featuring an ongoing series of sugary treats, and I've been resisting the Christmas cookie baking fever for a few weeks now.  But every year at Christmas I try a few new recipes to add to my collection of Low Sugar Desserts for those of you who have a sweet tooth but are trying to limit sugar in your diet.

These Low-Sugar and Flourless Chocolate Coconut Drops do have a small amount of semi-sweet chocolate chips that keeps them from being sugar-free, but I switched out the powdered sugar for Stevia In the Raw Granulated Sweetener and used unsweetened coconut to create a chocolate cookie with less than 4 grams of sugar each.  These cookies were easy to throw together, and if you're a chocolate fan I think you'll enjoy them for a holiday treat.

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Chicken and Avocado Salad Recipe with Lime and Cilantro Low Carb Gluten Free

Chicken and Avocado Salad with Lime and Cilantro
I thought this Chicken and Avocado Salad with Lime and Cilantro had a perfect combination of flavors!

(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and this salad is something I've made over and over since my sister Pam first told me about it.  I wasn't too fond of the original photo of the finished dish, so when I made it again recently I also updated the photo; enjoy!)

I love the way social media spreads good ideas around the web, and this salad is my version of one my sister Pam got from a friend, who found it on Pinterest.  The e-mail I got from Pam had just a list of ingredients and some suggestions, so when I made the salad I kind of made up my own directions.  Then when I got ready to post my salad, I wanted to credit the source if I could find it, and when I copied what Pam had sent me and entered it into the search on Pinterest I found Avocado Chicken Salad from Becoming Betty.  My version has larger chunks of chicken and avocado, and I made the lime and mayonnaise into more of a dressing, while the original version is more mixed together.  This salad was so good that the amount I made above didn't even last a day at my house (although I *did* have help eating it from Jake.)  If you like these ingredients, I promise this salad is going to be a keeper!

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Baby Arugula Salad with Turkey Italian Sausage and Red Pepper Strips Low Carb Gluten Free

Baby Arugula Salad with Italian Sausage and Red Pepper Strips reminds me of one of my favorite pasta dishes.

Baby Arugula Salad with Italian Sausage and Red Pepper Strips found on

I'm trying to get better about using up little bits of things that are in the fridge, and a few weeks ago I found myself with just two links of spicy turkey Italian Sausage and no idea how to use it.  I sat down in my office chair and paged through a few cookbooks and quickly spotted a recipe for Spinach Salad with Italian Sausage in Bon Appetit Fast Easy Fresh.  I didn't have spinach, but I had one of those little tubs of baby arugula, and since I love Spaghetti with Italian Sausage and Arugula, I thought maybe a salad with baby arugula and Italian sausage might be a winner as well.  If you're a fan of arugula, I promise this Baby Arugula Salad with Turkey Italian Sausage and Red Pepper Strips is really wonderful; I thought all the flavors here were perfect together.

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Recipe for Spicy Cabbage Salad with Tomatoes Radishes and Celery Puerto Rican Cabbage Salad

Puerto Rico Cabbage Salad
This slightly-spicy cabbage salad got three thumbs way up when I tested the recipe!

(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and this Spicy Cabbage Salad with Tomatoes, Radishes, and Celery is one of those amazing salad combinations where the sum is so much greater than the parts.  And since we're welcoming March with a new header featuring cabbages, this salad is perfect for that reason as well.)

The minute I saw the Puerto Rican Cabbage Salad on Champaign Taste, I knew I was going to make some version of this salad, since I adore cabbage salad, and cabbage is one of The World's Healthiest Foods.  When I made the salad I loved it, and it got two thumbs up from my sister Val and brother-in-law Jon as well, and I'd say this salad is already destined to be a favorite.  After doing a little internet research about Carribean cabbage salads, I did tweak the recipe a bit, upping the crunch factor with radishes, adding some chopped celery leaves and green onions, and using just a touch of lime juice in the dressing.  With those changes I don't know how authentically Puerto Rican the recipe is, so if you're a food purist you may just want to call this "cabbage salad."  No matter what you call it, if you try this recipe I predict you'll love it just as much as I do.

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Kalyns Kitchen Gets a Makeover with a New Easier Way to Find Recipes for Every Kind of Diet

past designs collage for Kalyn's Kitchen
Kalyn's Kitchen has changed a bit through the years, and repeat after me, "Change is Good!"

For a few months now I've been working with my brother Rand (the design guy) and the fabulous Jennette (web designer and coder extraordinaire) to create a new look for Kalyn's Kitchen. (Thanks guys!)  Rand and Jennette are two of the smartest and most talented people I know, and I'm excited to reveal the new design and explain how the new features can help you find the kind of recipes you're looking for on the site.

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Chicken Pesto Zucchini Noodle Salad Low Carb Gluten Free Can Be Paleo

A delicious zucchini noodle salad with pesto-marinated chicken and a pesto vinaigrette.

Chicken Pesto Zucchini Noodle Salad found on

I've been making zucchini noodles with the Spiralizer all summer long, and I need to get busy sharing the new recipes I've come up while some of you have a surplus of zucchini.  I created this Chicken Pesto Zucchini Noodle Salad with help from my niece Kara, and we both agreed it was easy to make and really tasty.  What bumped up the flavor here was marinating the chunks of chicken in the pesto vinaigrette for a few hours before we tossed the salad together, along with additional pesto vinaigrette that's tossed with the noodles.  I've been making Basil Pesto with Lemon with the basil I'm growing in big pots along my front sidewalk, but if you don't have homemade pesto this salad will still be delish with pesto from the store.  You could also make a dairy-free or Paleo version of this by switching the dressing to Basil Vinaigrette made with homemade vinaigrette.

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25 Deliciously Healthy Low Carb Recipes from September 2014 Gluten Free SBD Paleo Whole 30

This post has Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes from 2014, found on Kalyn's Kitchen and other blogs around the web.

25 Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes from September 2014 found on

It's October, but before we transition completely to fall eating, there are going to be more warm days and for most people, definitely a few more weeks of summer veggies from the Farmers Market or garden.  This round-up of 25 Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes from September 2014 has recipes I've been collecting all through the month of September with lots of good ideas for those garden veggies, so here's hoping you'll find a new recipe or two that might become a favorite. Every recipe linked here is Low-Carb and Gluten-Free; notes after the recipe title will tell you if I think it would be approved for South Beach Phase One, Paleo, or Whole 30 eating plans.  All photos are from the blog that's linked to the recipe.  Enjoy!

(You can check out the photo index page of low-carb recipes for even more Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb recipe ideas!  To find more round-ups like this one, visit the Deliciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipe Round-Ups Index Page, click the label Monthly Low-Carb Recipe Round-Up, or visit the Pinterest Board for Delciously Healthy Low-Carb Recipes.) 

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Learning Food Photography with White on Rice Couple and Things Im Thinking About on Tuesday 10 14 2014

Todd and Diane's huge collection of cutting boards, captured by iPhone!

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you might have noticed that a few weekends ago I was enthusiastically sharing about a  food photography workshop hosted by my good friends and amazing photographers, Todd Porter and Diane Cu of White on Rice Couple.  I've heard Todd and Diane talk about food photography at several blogging conferences, so I knew the workshop held in their fabulous food photography studio outside Los Angeles would be informative, but I never imagined how life-changing it would end up being for me.  Two days of listening to the experts, watching demonstrations, and practicing new shooting methods really got me thinking outside the box on my personal food photography journey.

Plus Todd and Diane had visited my house on the tour for their gorgeous cookbook, so they could help me with one of my biggest photography challenges, which is too many big windows in the rooms where I normally shoot.  When I got home, I bought black foam core boards and clamps the very next day!  A few food bloggers have been asking me about the workshop, so I thought I'd share some highlights  and a few of my photos.    

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Turkey Meatballs with Romano Cheese and Herbs Phase One Low Carb Gluten Free

These low-carb and gluten-free turkey meatballs are flavorful and have added nutrition from hemp hearts.

Low-Carb and Gluten-Free Turkey Meatballs with Romano Cheese and Herbs found on

(For Phase One Fridays I feature Phase One Recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites. Phase One Recipes are also Low-Carb and Gluten-Free.  This recipe was updated October 2012, with better photos, better instructions, and the addition of Hemp Hearts for added nutrition, and now I wouldn't mind updating the photos again so I think meatballs are on the menu this weekend!)

When I first tried these meatballs back in 2009, ground turkey was something I'd been working hard to gain an appreciation for, since it's low in saturated fat (therefore South Beach Diet friendly.)  Now I've been using ground turkey in meatballs and meatloaf for quite a few years, and these meatballs with lots of ground herbs and Romano cheese are still one of my favorites.  In this updated version I added a small amount of hemp hearts to the recipe to bump up the nutrition, but that's completely optional.  The meatballs are a little soft to work with, and you do have to watch them so the cheese doesn't burn when you're frying them, but if you want a flavorful meatball that's Phase One, low-carb, and gluten-free, I think this recipe is a keeper!

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Easy Roasted Broccoli Recipe with Lemon and Pecorino Romano Cheese Low Carb Gluten Free

Roasted Broccoli with Lemon and Pecorino-Romano Cheese is an easy side dish that only needs 20 minutes in the oven.

Easy Roasted Broccoli Recipe with Lemon and Pecorino-Romano Cheese (Low-Carb, Gluten-Free) found on

(For Phase One Fridays I feature Phase One Recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and Roasted Broccoli with Lemon and Pecorino-Romano Cheese is easy and delicious.  This recipe was updated with new photos, November 2014.)

Here's another recommendation from the big list of Carb-Conscious Thanksgiving Recipes I've been spotlighting this month.  If you don't want a richer broccoli dish like Broccoli Gratin with Swiss and Parmesan, this roasted broccoli with lemon and Pecorino-Romano cheese is lighter, but just as flavorful. What makes this recipe so good is the way the broccoli gets tossed with lemon juice after cooking so the hot roasted broccoli soaks up the lemon flavor, then gets kicked-up with the slightly assertive flavor of Pecorino-Romano Cheese. Best of all, this cooks in 20 minutes, so you could throw it in the oven while you're carving the turkey and making gravy.

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Recipe for Easy Stir Fry with Pork and Veggies

Stir Fry with Pork and Veggies
This Stir Fry with Pork and Veggies is ultra easy.  If you don't do pork, substitute chicken or tofu.

(Updated with better photos and step-by-step instructions February 2014.)   For me this was one of those weeks where I was glad when it ended!  First of all I woke up sick on Monday and all week I've been coughing, congested, and feeling low energy.  Maybe that's the reason every new recipe idea I've tried has either been a complete flop or something that I know can be good but needs more work.  I'd say the cooking highlight of the week was re-doing the photos for this Stir Fry with Pork and Veggies that I first made back in 2007, and even though I was sick it tasted good too.  I used pork, but you could also make it with chicken, tofu, or just stir-fry the veggies.

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Recipe for Chicken Black Bean Avocado and Radish Salad with Lime and Cilantro

Chicken, Black Bean, Avocado, and Radish Salad with Lime and Cilantro
Grab some radishes and make this Chicken, Black Bean, Avocado, and Radish Salad with Lime and Cilantro.  (If you're a cilantro hater I'd just leave it out and double the green onion.)

I made this Chicken, Black Bean, Avocado, and Radish Salad with Lime and Cilantro several times to get the flavors just right, and when I was making the final version (with the addition of radishes for color and a little crunch) my brother Mark, his wife Lisa, and their daughter-in-law Lindy dropped by just as I was starting the recipe.  I convinced them to hang around while I made the salad and took photos, which might be the best excuse ever for a rather messy-looking bowl of salad that could have been styled a bit more carefully!  Being close enough for family members to drop in is just one of the things I absolutely love about the new house.  And by the way, I fed my visitors this salad, as well as leftovers from a casserole that hasn't made it to the blog yet, and both dishes were definitely a hit!

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Sweet Potato Appetizer Bites with Feta and Green Onion Gluten Free Meatless

These Sweet Potato Appetizer Bites with Feta and Green Onion are a healthier nibble for holiday parties or the Superbowl!

I've been a little distracted by the new design for Slow Cooker from Scratch, and now it feels like I went to bed in November and when I woke up there were less than two weeks until Christmas!  And I do have a few new holiday recipe ideas I want to share before things get too crazy, starting with these Sweet Potato Appetizer Bites with Feta and Green Onions.  Yum!

I love this combination of flavors, and if I went to a holiday gathering or Superbowl party and found a table loaded with sweets and chips staring me in the face, I would be so excited to find a deliciously healthy option like this to eat instead.  The hardest part of making these might be finding the thin sweet potatoes, but you can make them into two-bite nibbles if needed!  (And I do try to focus on meatless main dishes for Meatless Monday, but I could make a meal out of these, so this is my Meatless Monday idea for the week.)

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Recipe for Chicken Black Bean and Cilantro Soup

Chicken, Black Bean, and Cilantro Soup
This tasty Chicken, Black Bean and Cilantro Soup is great for Phase One.

(Salt Lake has gotten about 24 inches of snow in the last 24 hours, and I could use some comfort food, so this delicious Chicken, Black Bean, and Cilantro Soup sounds perfect for A Month of Daily Phase One Recipes. This is a quick and easy recipe, especially if you have some leftover rotisserie chicken in the fridge.)

If you're a regular reader you know I'm constantly going through the archives of the blog and updating old posts with new photos.  And if you want to see how much this recipe for Chicken, Black Bean, and Cilantro Soup needed a photo make-over, just look below at the original photo, with soup spilled all over the edge of the bowl! I'm still not the greatest photographer, but I'm leaving that photo here as proof that my photos are certainly  improving.

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Recipe for Florida Butter Bean or Lima Bean Soup with Ham and Cabbage

Butter Bean Soup with Ham and Cabbage can be made with dried or canned beans.

(Updated with better photos, plus instructions for using either dried or canned beans, February 2014.)  If you're someone who might be inclined to turn up your nose at the mention of lima beans, stay with me for a minute here.   I first made this soup with Florida Butter Beans, (a type of heirloom baby lima bean, also known as Calico Pole Beans) that I bought in San Francisco from Rancho Gordo Beans.  The Florida Butter Beans are creamy and delicious, and if you can find those (or something similar) I highly recommend making this soup starting with dried beans that you've soaked overnight.  But when I decided this recipe *must* have an updated photo, I decided to try it with canned butter beans from the supermarket, and I was happily surprised at how good it was that way too.  If you still can't wrap your mind around the idea of butter beans or lima beans, try the soup with a different type of white bean!

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Recipe for Split Pea Soup with Ham Bay Leaves Epazote and Red Bell Pepper or Carrots

Recipe for Split Pea Soup with Ham, Bay Leaves, Epazote and Red Bell Pepper
Split Pea Soup with Ham, Bay Leaves, Epazote, and Red Bell Pepper is delightfully Phase One.

(Today's pick for the month of  Daily Phase One Recipes (as well as Phase One Fridays) is this favorite Split Pea Soup with Ham, Bay Leaves, Epazote, and Red Bell Pepper that's one of the soups I've been thinking about trying in the new electric pressure cooker I got for Christmas.  You can see all the recipes from the month by clicking Daily Phase One Recipes.  Check after the recipe for Phase One Flashbacks from this day in 2012 and 2013.)

I've been a long-time fan of split pea soup, but I always made it with carrots until I tried this experiment of replacing the carrots with sweet red bell peppers, for a split pea soup that's not only delicious and colorful but also a Phase One recipe for the South Beach Diet.  Score!  I used a fairly generous amount of ham and red bell peppers in proportion to the split peas, so you can have this for Phase One, even though split peas and lentils are a limited food.  Of course if you're just craving split pea soup and don't care about Phase One, go ahead and make it with carrots if you prefer.

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Low Sugar or Sugar Free Chocolate Treats for Your Valentine many are Gluten Free

Valentine's Day is almost here, and I've got you covered with some low-sugar or sugar-free chocolate treats.

Low-Sugar or Sugar-Free Chocolate Treats for Your Valentine (many are Gluten-Free) from

I don't think there's any doubt that holidays are more challenging for dieters or people who need to limit sugar than day-to-day eating, and holidays like Valentine's Day that are strongly associated with sugary treats can make even the most steadfast person lose their resolve.  Through the years I've tested a lot of low-sugar or sugar-free chocolate treats, but not many of them have been good enough to make it on to the blog.  Here's a collection of the chocolate treats that made the cut and many of them are also gluten-free as well.  I hope one of these can help you celebrate Valentine's Day without completely abandoning your diet; just click the link under the photo to see each recipe.

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Fresh Peach and Blueberry Yogurt Parfait Recipe

Fresh Peach and Blueberry Yogurt Parfait
When fresh peaches are in season, this Fresh Peach and Blueberry Yogurt Parfait is a fun way to eat them!

It only takes a quick look at the sections for Fruit and Vegetables in my recipe index to tell that I'm a veggie lover and always will be.  But even though savory flavors are my favorites, there are a few fruits I absolutely love, and fresh peaches are up near the top of that list.  When the Utah peaches are in season I can't get enough of them!  But you can't eat peach desserts every day, even when they're healthy ones (like my Slow Cooker Low-Sugar and Gluten-Free Peach Crisp.)  When I do have a lot of peaches, this Fresh Peach and Blueberry Yogurt Parfait Recipe with chopped fresh peaches, low-carb vanilla yogurt, and blueberries is one of my favorite ways to eat them.  Greek yogurt would also be good here for a version with even less sugar, and if you don't want to splurge for blueberries (which aren't really in season right now), use some low-sugar granola to go with the peaches for a different flavor combination.

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Top 10 Superfoods that can Improve your Life

Foods have different qualities in them. Not all have the same effect on the human body. There are some foods which are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and thus they are titled as superfoods. Whereas there are many other foods which do not have the same effect and do have nutrients in them but they aren’t as much as the superfoods. These foods have many benefits that it is as if they are packets of energy, and power whichprotect the body against diseases and keep it healthy. There are ten superfoods that can improve your life which are a must to include in your daily life.
The ten superfoods that can improve your life have been discussed in detail below and all the nutritional values of them have been described and the reason to include them in your daily life have also been discussed.
Yogurt or should I say the alive food containing cultures of “friendly bacteria” has tons of health benefits. These bacteria restore the healthy balance of the digestive system in the body. Just one cup of yogurt contains 50 times more calcium than one cup of milk of the same amount. It is also rich in potassium, riboflavin, magnesium and phosphate.
These are among the  most nutritional legumes. They contain fiber which lowers cholesterol in the body and lean protein. They are very low in calories and still are rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron, vitamin B and folate and they contribute towards your heart’s health and also improve the blood circulation of body.

Top 10 Superfoods that can Improve your Life
This vegetable is full of vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin A and folic acid. They are great for your health as they enhance active functioning of the immune system of the body, it prevent free radicals from damaging your cells, and improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Apart from it is great when it comes to daily supply of vitamin K to the body.
4.Sweet Potatoes:
They are just like starch only they are much more healthier. They are rich in vitamin C, fibers and potassium. They are among those vegetables which have the highest nutritional value. They are low in calories and they are good for the diabetes patients as this maintains the blood sugar level.
5.Wild Salmon:
This is rich in omega 3 fats, vitamin D, C, selenium and mercury. They make your hair, nails and skin stronger and healthier. They reduce the risk of sudden deaths caused by heart attacks.
This grain contains in it both contents of soluble and insoluble fibers in it. It helps in metabolizing fats and maintains the proper functioning of the digestive system. It contains vitamin E, phytochemicals, niacin and lignans etc.
7.Goji Berries:
They are known as the most dense food on Earth as they have a higher content of vitamin C as compared to oranges, more beta carotene than carrots and higher quantity of iron as compared to steak.
It contains cancer fighting material known as ellagic acid in it. It prevents the growth of any sort of tumors and cancer causing cells. It also prevents the infection causing bacteria from infecting the walls of gut and the urethra.
It is quite similar to broccoli and brussel sprouts as it is dark green and leafy. It however contains a higher quantity of iron, folate and beta carotene. It has a rich fiber content and therefore is makes sure that the digestive system is working properly at all times.
It is one of the most powerful food of the world as it contains within it high concentrations of amino acids, fatty acids and antioxidants. It helps in the proper functioning of all sorts of cells by keeping them healthy.

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Red Cabbage and Chicken Asian Salad Recipe with Tangy Cilantro Dressing

Red Cabbage and Chicken Asian Salad
An amazingly-delicious salad that's a real treat for Phase One!

(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites.   This salad is a recipe where I subbed sugar snap peas for carrots to make it Phase One, and it's something I could eat over and over.  If you're not a cilantro fan, I'd just use more green onion.)

I'm always a fan of cruciferous vegetables, so when I saw a recipe in Cooking New American with red cabbage, chicken, and cilantro, of course I wanted to try it. I love the flavor and crunch of red cabbage, and when I'm making a lettuce salad for lunch, it's one of the first things I'll add. In this salad red cabbage was the main ingredient, and I realized too late it would have been nice to use my beloved mandoline to get the cabbage a bit thinner, but even with slightly thicker cabbage, you can tell I loved this flavor combination:

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Recipe for Rich Salad with Hearts of Palm Avocado and Radicchio Low Carb Gluten Free

hearts of palm salad
Maybe because of the pricey ingredients, this vegan salad with hearts of palm is called Rich Salad!

(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and all during November I've been spotlighting vegetables and salads that I'd love for Thanksgiving.  Now it has been brought to my attention that not everyone wants salad for Thanksgiving (you know who you are) but personally I'd love a salad like this to balance out the other higher-carb foods.  Check out the my Top Ten Thanksgiving Recipes or all the other Thanksgiving Recipes if you're still working on your menu!)

I love hearts of palm, a tasty and low-carb delicacy that I learned to like years ago when I worked at Le Parisien, a French Restaurant in Salt Lake that's no longer in business.  For years I would rarely buy them at grocery store prices, but that changed when Costco started selling them in two-packs of 25 oz. jars at a price that was a lot more affordable.  Now they're something I always have in my pantry.  Still this Rich Salad with Hearts of Palm, Avocado, and Radicchio includes avocado, radicchio, butter lettuce, and pine nuts, all things that aren't really everyday ingredients which may be why it's called Rich Salad!  But when you need something for a special dinner party, this is a delicious salad that's sure to impress, and if you can get those two-packs of hearts of palm from Costco, you can have it a little more often.

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