
Monday, March 9, 2015

Tummy tuck in a week a tummy tuck sagging diet sport

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• Perhaps the most clustered areas where grease is the abdominal area and chest and Alrdav, and to follow this program will try to get rid of excess grease, God willing, with an emphasis on the importance that there be some light walking sports ..

Daily breakfast
1-2 eggs poached fruit pill + tea or coffee without sugar with low-fat milk
The first day
Lunch: fish (grilled or boiled) or Tuna (without oil) + cucumber or lettuce.
Dinner: a slice of toast + 4 tablespoons Quraish or brick + fruit fruit
The second day

Lunch: 1 yogurt + 1 Option + class one fruit in any quantity
Dinner: 2 boiled egg + one class fruit
Third Day

Lunch: Bean (tablespoon olive oil) + salad (option + tomatoes, + Romy pepper green)
Dinner: Quraish cheese or brick + slice of toast or half-baked Brown
The fourth day
Lunch: vegetable problem (boiled or cooked) + slice of toast
Dinner: cup yogurt + Option + boiled egg.

The fifth day

Lunch: fish (grilled or boiled) or Tuna (without oil) + salad (option + tomatoes, + Romy pepper green)
Dinner: a variety of fruit (grapefruit - apple - pear - Guava - Strawberry - Orange)
Sixth day:
Lunch: grilled or poached chicken + salad (option + tomatoes, + Romy pepper green)
Dinner: 4 tablespoons cheese Quraish or brick + tomato boiled egg +1

Seventh Day
Lunch: Bean (tablespoon olive oil) + salad + or brick cheese Quraish
Dinner: fruit variety (mentioned above) + cup milk yogurt

Coffee and tea are allowed all day without sugar with low-fat milk and water as desired diet for the abdomen, chest and shoulders

Seven Oils

Oils from natural herbs works to tighten those flabby cells at a phenomenal pace and re-

Behold, vitality and beauty
Knead the abdomen or buttocks area seven oil oils circular movements emerging bottom up to the top and a quarter of an hour once a day for a month.
And you will notice that your body has returned him his glasses and vitality and still sag

Components of the recipe

1 - Oil Hindbh the (dandelion)
2 - green tea oil.
3 - olive oil.
4 - Oil of sage or rosemary oil
5 - chamomile oil
6 - Oil saater
7 - Oil ring.

How to prepare
1 - Mix equal quantities of components of the seven oil well and put them in a bottle Court.
2 - knead the region flabby as in the method of use once a day.

How to use:
Knead the region flabby (breast, abdomen or buttocks) Bzisba Oils circular movements from the bottom to the top
Note this recipe also sag benefit to the abdomen and buttocks and the way the same style circular massage area flabby after a warm bath.

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