
Monday, March 9, 2015

Diets that include less calories diet foods

Diets that include less calories

Compliance is difficult, which include less food calories, especially in view of the need to ensure adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals. The side effects of the potential physical and psychological consequences of such systems may outweigh the uncertain promises lengthening age.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013 diet includes less calories
Eat less, live more!

Is it possible to live more than once to eat less calories? Supporters claim a strict diet so-called "system to reduce calorie" he can prolong longevity and prevention of diseases associated with aging. The diet consists of eating food with less calories but nutritionally balanced meets the requirements needed by the body 100% of the vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fats. But, can this lifestyle - which means a rapid change in dietary habits when most of the people - to be a "fountain of youth" as claims follow him?

The scientific basis behind the reduced-calorie

Had a reduced calorie system of great interest in the thirties after studies on mice showed that reducing the usual eating about 40% of increased longevity by 30% to 40%. Since that time, the research showed the worms and monkeys that the system reduce caloric fit with the other factions.

When humans, showing that reducing caloric system improves indicators of the aging of the cardiovascular system. According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Reducing calories to cut certain indicators of aging and disease. And the people who participated in this study, which lasted 6 months were all overweight. The reduced daily calorie intake by 25%, either through diet or just through diet with exercise Exercise. Dropped vital signs associated with longevity - the bodys internal temperature and fasting insulin levels - when overweight people, but not in the other groups. These results suggest that eating fewer calories may help prolong the life of the prevention of disease and aging when overweight people, but did not prove whether the people who own and ideal weight they can achieve similar improvements.

Mechanisms behind eating fewer calories is still a theory. Has delivered new research has cast doubt on the theory, which says that the system reduce the calories slows aging by reducing free radicals and the damage caused by oxidation. Instead, the system may re-reduce calorie direct energy from growth and reproduction to repair and protect cells. Another theory says that the system reduce the calories the body converts to the conservative system where repair the damage would be more efficient. According to this theory, it is not recommended adoption of the system reduce the calories to children younger than 18 years or for pregnant women.

The challenges of eating fewer calories

Scientists doubt whether the system reduced calorie applicable to humans. This is because:

1. Americans, in particular, have made little progress in the battle for control of large appetites and the environment causing obesity. And reduce calorie levels required in order to achieve the benefits may be too low for most people, especially with the prospect of the emergence of uncomfortable signs of physical hunger suffered by the animals.

The researchers tested ways mimic system reduce caloric across the grain of pharmaceutical or other ways to achieve the benefits without hunger - an area known as "sympathomimetic reduce calorie."

2. Maybe people do not get many benefits of reducing calorie system, such as animals, because of the different power requirements. For example, mice consume large amounts of energy in reproduction and lactation compared to human beings. If the system works eating fewer calories to slow or stop multiplying and thus preserved the energy, the animals actually earn a lot.

3. Far longevity of human beings may have a little space to extend the comparison of the animals. long old human Aqsa registered so far is 122 years old French woman (reconstruction experts predicted that smashes people of Okinawa, this record where they ate fewer calories by 40% of Americans and 20% less for other Japanese).

4. Weight could drop to dangerous levels when menstruation stops at the ladies. The resulting system of eating less calories, too, to an increased risk of osteoporosis, especially if the food lacks the necessary amounts of calcium and vitamin D. According to the website of the Association reduce calories, the other side effects to reduce calorie concerns could include food and food storage and energy conservation concerns and the search for alternative food experiences through TV or cooking for others.

5. So that the system was reduced calorie emphasizes the importance of eating healthy foods to avoid malnutrition, but it can result in side effects similar to those that occur when people who suffer from starvation or anorexia nervosa, including the lack of cold tolerance and loss of strength. As the low libido is a common side effect, too, which may support the theory that says that the system reduce the calorie redirect energy away from reproduction.

6. Such as lifestyle, reduce calorie system requires considerable planning for meals and reduce food and carry some hunger. Some dieters reduce calorie system allow themselves by between 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day. Others suggest minimize more modest intake of calories by 25%, with the knowledge that the average man consumes 2,618 calories a day and the average woman consumes 1,877 calories a day, [Source: CDC / NCHS, Trends in Intake of Energy and Macronutrients, US, in the Feb , 2004 MMWR.] handled up to 1,200 calories a day means cutting 54% and 36%, respectively, than you are accustomed to eating normally.

A final word

Compliance is difficult food with less calories, especially in view of the need to ensure adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals. The side effects of the potential physical and psychological consequences of such systems may outweigh the uncertain promises lengthening age. However, you may eat less system supports the goal of calories prolong longevity eat nutritious foods in modest quantities and maintain a healthy weight as the perfect protection from premature death and disease.

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