
Thursday, March 19, 2015


Every year women are fooled by fad diets advertised in the media: "before putting your swimsuit, lose 5 kg in 10 days." Women are not gullible but say "what if it worked?". The pressure of the thin ideal is so strong that it generates real suffering behind irrational impulses. Thus scams regimes bloom ??

It weighs on women such pressure that they suffer a lot. They are thus vulnerable to the regime of merchants and buy drugs irrational impulses, thinking "what if it worked?". Dr. David Elia analyzes the different mistakes to avoid to help women stay rational and find a safe and reliable solution.

Type diet express

Any significant change in eating habits makes you lose weight and lose muscle. If you eat pineapples all week for example, we will inevitably slim. The problem is that weight loss is mostly at the expense of muscle mass. Or muscle mass is very important and very difficult to find. This is the first common mistake. So do not choose a plan that burns muscle mass: the pounds lost is resumed at full speed and this by "Version fat" and not muscles. Another mistake to avoid, if we managed to lose excess weight, is the resumption of pounds to stop the scheme: at the end of the regime, it starts eating as before, we take his eating habits, precisely those that were originally of the initial weight. If the output of the system, there is no identification of dietary errors and an attempt to change the recovery of lost pounds is inevitable, regardless of the type of plan used, was it the smartest.

"A week to lose 10 pounds"

Obviously, plans announcing "a week to lose 10 pounds," combine the two errors. They lose muscle mass and as stationary regime there is no change in eating habits, lost fat is taken pronto. This is the case of all the techniques like "lose 10 pounds before the holidays," which are prevalent each year in the mainstream media.

Diuretics, appetite suppressants and thyroid extracts: public danger!

There are also medicated processes that are thyroid extracts, diuretics and appetite suppressants, also called appetite suppressants. These are not mistakes here but real public danger! Appetite suppressants: side effects too dangerous The appetite suppressants were all removed from the market one after another since the 2000s, as and when the highlight of their dangerous side effects (including hypertension pulmonary that regularly kills). However, in the low-calorie diet accompanied by a nutritionist, appetite suppressants could help. Indeed, one of the problems of this type of diet is that it takes several months before reaching the target and that during this period there was very hungry. In these specific, medically supervised conditions, appetite suppressants could thus provide valuable assistance. But the side effects and risks of accidents have condemned them for now. The thyroid extracts disturb the rhythm cardiac The thyroid extracts are only intended for women with thyroid deficiency. This hormonal disorder is the cause of many symptoms: weight gain, nervousness, hair loss, dry skin, etc. The fact to compensate for their lack of thyroid hormone allows them to regain a normal life. But if we give thyroid extracts to a person whose thyroid is functioning normally, it causes an overdose of thyroid hormones. Obviously, this excess makes you lose weight. But the problem is that we burn all the fat and muscle mass. In addition, excess thyroid hormone causes cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes fatal. The thyroid extracts must be strictly reserved for people with an underactive thyroid. The problem is that women with normal thyroid unfortunately still have access to these products ... Diuretics lose water, not the grease So Much women like to diuretics, especially late in the cycle. These drugs are forcing the kidneys to produce more urine and thus eliminate more water. The problem is twofold: 1) diuretics disrupt kidney function; 2) the balance displays many pounds lighter, but it is pounds of water, not fat! Weight loss is an illusion which then again, is transient. Upon discontinuation of the diuretic, kidney restores the situation and taken from the water. But in the end, the renal system can become misaligned completely, and now makes systematic use of diuretics to restore the body water regulation system. This is the "disease diuretics

Board: seasonal scams miracles preparations

Every year, at certain times, we see bloom offers all as farfetched as each other and moreover, are sometimes dangerous. We do not know the exact composition of these miracles preparations. Wish be it more often than placebo, and less often the negative effects of substances, as it happened a few years ago with the case "Chinese herbs" at the origin of major renal failure and death. The fact is that the ideal slimming exercises such pressure that women eventually crack and are then ready to try anything. In the example above, with the popular belief stating that herbal medicine does not hurt, these herbs were very tempting ... So no, there is no miracle plants that lose weight. We do not lose weight either by accelerating the intestinal transit, increasing water loss, taking drugs or consuming less salt! Lose involves losing fat too, retain muscle mass and not to lose of water. A from there, everything is mathematical and takes place in two stages. If one wants to lose 5 pounds of fat, you have to spend in a way or another 5 X 9000 = 45,000 calories stored. And as soon reached the goal, you must eat better. 
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