
Monday, March 9, 2015

Why cut out the Wheat

What is wheat?

Wheat is a grain which is a cultivated crop. There are a lot of different varieties of wheat from Durum wheat to Kamut to Spelt.  There are hundreds of varieties of wheat.  One which I came across most recently was EinKorn it is meant to be over 20,000 years old.  The interesting thing was I bought the EinKorn wheat derived from a crop which was within a 50 mile radius of the famous crop circles found in Wiltshire.  I gave it a try as it is meant to be ancient form of wheat.  The wheat itself was a good texture and taste, and the scones came out okay (rather like rocks!).  Okay so I decided to let go of the wheat (alien invasion bread!).

To Eat Wheat or to not Eat Wheat That is the Question

Why go wheat free?  A traditional food that we have known for generations and manipulated along the way (sounds familiar to us?).  Available everywhere and in everything, unless you scrutinize the ingredients of every item on the shelf (or just eat fruits and vegetables) then wheat is in almost everything!

It is expensive not to eat wheat and if you choose to not eat wheat then what exactly do you eat?  Im thinking more fruits and vegetables at this point.

What is Gluten?

The Latin for glue it makes you wonder what is going on in your intestinal tract when this pervasive ingredient lodges in there causing a wide variety of health issues.  Gluten can irritate the small intestine and cause inflammation.  It also contains chemicals that "stimulate the same parts of the brain that are responsive to morphine" - David PearlMutter MD.
Therefore, it makes more sense to ditch the wheat than to eat it.

I have replaced my wheat eating with Quinoa, for now.

What I have experienced not eating wheat

  • Dropped weight
  • No puffy eyes
  • Blood sugar stabilized
  • Smoother skin
  • Better digestion
  • No spots
  • Skin hydrated
  • No wheezing
  • Overall improved flexibility
for details click below

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