
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Enter To Win A Raw Food Recipe Book!

I dont know about you, but I looooooove a good recipe book. Pretty pictures of delicious dishes? All the better!  And Ive amassed quite a nice collection since entering Raw Food Land. Some are old standbys that I go to again and again. Others, I reference for information or inspiration.

Someone recently asked the experts at Snubbr: What are the best raw food cookbooks?

Pretty good picks, if you ask me.

Whether you’re in the market for a new digital camera or the best vegan cookies,  all you have to do is ask the experts at Snubbr, and they’ll search for the right product for you. Pretty cool, huh? Kinda like Yahoo Answers for shopping advice.

The lovely folks at Snubbr have generously offered to gift a lucky reader with his/her choice of one of the best raw food cookbooks. Score!

You have until Midnight EST, March 7th to get your entries in. Ill then call on Mr. Random Number Generator to pick a winner. While I would love to hear from readers all over the globe, at the request of Snubbr, I must limit entries to folks who live in the continental US only.

To enter, just answer this question in the Comments below this post:  
  • What are your 3 favorite books of all time?
Extra Entries: If youd like to increase your chances of winning, please leave a separate comment for each extra entry.
  • Head over to Snubbr to ask a question of their experts (takes 5 seconds). Post a link to the question you asked in your comment.
  • Tweet the giveaway with a link to this post (please include your Twitter ID in the comment).
  • Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post. Again, please leave the link to your blog post in the comment.
So there you go, up to four chances to win one of those fab recipe books.

Confession: I happen to own all five books and each one is terrific. Id be hard pressed to choose just one.

See ya back here on Monday, when Ill announce the lucky winner and the book theyve chosen.

Good luck everyone!

UPDATED 3-8-10: This giveaway is now closed.
for details click below

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